Vermont Watershed Nutrient Load Modeling and TMDL Development
HydroAnalysis conducted watershed analysis and nonpoint source modeling to develop phosphorus TMDL allocations for 16 agriculturally or urban-impaired watersheds in Vermont. We conducted a comparative analysis of 36 Vermont watersheds and evaluated specific watershed factors as potential predictors of phosphorus impairment.
A set of 16 impaired watersheds and 20 attainment (healthy) watersheds were evaluated using land use, slope, and soil type information to estimate annual phosphorus loads. To support watershed assessment, TMDL development, and implementation planning, HydroAnalysis developed a database, created detailed GIS-based maps and watershed data tables, and wrote narratives describing watershed conditions. This project resulted in the completion of 16 phosphorus TMDL allocations with implementation plans to support watershed restoration.
This project was conducted for US EPA Region 1 and Vermont DEC through the WaterVision joint venture.