Estuarine Modeling Expert Review Panel
Dr. Shanahan served on a panel conducting an independent, scientific review of the Massachusetts Estuaries Program (MEP) Linked Watershed Embayment Model. The panel conducted two workshops, reviewed literature, and produced a report summarizing the peer review. The MEP model is a key component of a largeĀ number of nutrient TMDLs in the Cape Cod and Buzzards Bay region.
The MEP model review included overall approach, groundwater modeling, nitrogen load estimation, groundwater-surface water interaction, septic system loading, estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality, and other components. Dr. Shanahan contributed to the scientific peer review panel report, submitted in December 2011, and received high praise for his expertise and collaborative approach.
The work was conducted for Barnstable County, MA, through a subcontract with CH2M-Hill.